Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cape Cod White Cheddar Popcorn

There are two kinds of people in this world, people who love popcorn, and people who don’t.  If you were to ask me in conversation, “Do you love popcorn?“  I’d probably say not really.  I don’t crave it – I don’t make it – I don’t even get it when I go to the movies, except on rare occasions.  And kettle corn?  No thanks.  Microwaveable?  I’ll pass.  It’s just not all that important to me. 

BUT, you put a bag of Cape Cod White Cheddar popcorn in front of me, and I devour it like there’s no tomorrow.  I can easily eat an entire bag in one sitting, but I usually try and minimize it to just half a bag.  I eat it for lunch, I eat it for dinner, hell, I’ll even eat it for breakfast.

Now I’ve tried other brands of white cheddar popcorn, and they just don’t stack up in my opinion.  They may be decent, and I guess if I had to eat them, I would, but nothing compares to Cape Cod.  It’s so delicious, and I’d definitely say I’m a bit obsessive about it.  Seriously, everyone should give it a try.

So in my quest to eat every bag ever produced, I’m always on the hunt for it.  The scarcity of the product probably drives my ever-increasing desire.  I wish more Publix‘ carried it, but only a few do.  And I know I can special order it through Customer Service, but a special shout out to my mom for keeping my supply of this delicious delicacy in stock in my pantry.  She goes above and beyond in bringing me a bag or two every time she sees me.  Without her, I’d probably be going through withdrawals.  So thanks mom for keeping my obsession alive…and stop trying to keep a bag for yourself now and then.  Your Publix carries it every day of the week.

The moral of this little diddy is this – if we’re just talking popcorn, eh, I can take it or leave it.  But if we’re talking Cape Cod White Cheddar popcorn, well then, that’s a much different story.  Why didn’t you say so?  Of course I’d like a handful or two or three, or the whole bag.  I mean, we wouldn’t want it to go to waste, would we?  In fact…there’s a bag in my pantry calling my name right now.  Cape Cod deliciousness here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Knew your obsession but didn't think it was this intense... then again, I have never been offered even a kernel to taste.... I guess besties can't share everything. ;)
