Saturday, July 6, 2013

Am I Passion-less?

Have I become passionless? This is a question I’ve recently asked myself. I started this blog to detail all of my little passions, and there are many of them. But it’s been well over a year (and almost a half) of silence on the passion front. What does this mean? Am I tired of having passions? Am I stagnant? Have I lost my passion for all the little things that excite me or make me happy? I still have a list of passions yet to be written about, so it can’t be for lack of material. 

I suppose in some ways I needed a small break. Okay a big break. I became involved in other things that required my writing skills, be they good or bad. I was taking up a lot of my time with different extra-curricular activities. These have occupied my nights and weekends to a certain degree. And I’ve enjoyed every minute of that. It’s been a great way to use my skills in a different way, and I happen to like staying busy. 

So what’s different now? Well a very good friend of mine has recently started her own blog. She’s a wonderful writer I’ve worked with for the better part of nine years. She’s so fantastically creative, and she’s a great encourager. You can find her blog here. Well, as part of her blog, she has a day devoted to "Table Topics," and she invites others to guest blog and answer these conversation starters. It was beyond intriguing, and I – with some hesitation – dove, okay waded, right in. I have to say it’s been fun to write about these sometimes bizarre, sometimes challenging questions. I suppose my initial hesitation had more to do with "will I have time?" Work is busy, I’m busy, how can I sit around and add one more thing to my list? But it’s been a sort of release, and it did make me miss my own little passion-filled blog. 

Well, here I am. For better or worse. Writing about my passions again – or recent lack thereof these days. I guess I needed a little more encouragement, and I found it. I realize it’s been a sad, sad world without the exploration into one of my many little passions, so forgive me readers. I aim to do better and regale you with tales once again.

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